Tuesday 14 March 2017


DESCRIPTION: Mousefur is a wiry, strong, small, glossy dark brown she-cat with pretty light amber eyes.
personality: Mousefur has a quick wit and sharp tongue, she sticks strictly to the warrior code, and is extremely loyal to her clan. although she wouldn't admit it she cares deeply about all the cats around her. she is a good and courageous fighter.
Image result for mousefurFAMILY:
mother: One-eye
father: Halftail
brother: Runningwind
kit: Mousekit
apprentice: Mousepaw
warrior: Mousefur
elder: Mousefur
starclan: Mousefur
apprentices: Thornclaw and Spiderleg
CAUSE OF DEATH: Died in the Great Battle
CLANS: Thunderclan and Starclan

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